Saturday League 2014
Final (hopefully) results for the 2014 Saturday League are posted here.
Winners were:
- Yellow – Jonathan Bint
- Orange – Mathew Hubbard
- Light Green – David Dixon
- Light Green Plus – Ian Byford
The results have been updated to apply the rule allowing juniors to carry forwards scores from lower courses when they move to a longer course, with such retained scores being indicated with an asterisk. In doing this I’ve only allowed one transition, a junior cannot pick and chose their course freely over the season and once they’ve run up there’s no going back. It’s gratifying to see quite how many juniors do develop during the year and hence benefit from this rule.
Probably the biggest challenge in calculating this league is the inconsistency in the names many of your appear under in the results. Maybe another argument for using the map reservation system which places the typing of your name entirely under your control! If you still appear under more than one entry please let me know.
Congratulations to all 339 league participants!