Street-O 2024

The 2024 Street-O season will run from April to September.  All the events are also available afterwards to run in your own time.

What? A Series of Urban events around Hertfordshire.
45 minute Score event – visit as many controls as you can in 45 minutesYou can walk, run or jog.   The area covered each night will be different, even when the start point has not changed.  Bring a smartphone or GPS watch if you have one, and pre-load the appropriate MapRun course.

NEW for 2024: these events will form a Street-O League with the following classes:

Open champion: highest score (100 points for 1st place, 99 points for 2nd, etc) for your best 8 events [all eligible]
Women’s champion: highest score (100 points for 1st place, 99 points for 2nd, etc) for your best 8 events [women eligible]
Highest efficiency: highest aggregate efficiency score (MapRun score ÷ kilometres travelled; 5 events minimum)
Clean sheet: highest MapRun score total without ever exceeding the 45 min time

Organisers will receive their highest score in the rest of their season for their own event for calculating the open/women’s champion classes.

When? Tuesday nights from April with STARTS from 19.00 – 19.20
You are advised to pre-register to ensure a map is available at
Limited entry on the day, subject to map availability.
Registration closes at midday before the event.
Who? Everyone from 16+ who fancies an evening run with a difference.  You can walk and jog too!  The events will involve crossing busy roads so will in general NOT be suitable for under 16s unless accompanied by an adult.
How much? £2 per evening (HH or BOF members), or £4 for non-members.

Payment in advance of the event or immediately after by bank transfer to HH please:

Account name: Hertfordshire Orienteering Club
Sort Code & Account number: [please contact the treasurer for details]
Account Type: Business
Reference: “<name (at least surname)> StreetO”

You are welcome (encouraged) to pay for multiple events and/or for multiple entrants (e.g. family members) in advance by depositing a multiple of these entry fees. Any credit left at the end of the series will be refunded.

MapRun Scoring is through the MapRun app. Please download the app to your Smartphone, then download the course for the event you are entering.  Please update to the latest version as we will be using some of the new features
You can download before the event but the map will not be visible until you enter a PIN code – which will be provided on the map so no pre-planning is possible!

Summer 2024 Street-O schedule

The upcoming events are:

DIY Street-O

You can still use our existing courses for a your own training runs!  All the details are here…