The Small Print
The Hertfordshire Orienteering Club Constitution.
The Hertfordshire Orienteering Club and its officials may hold some or all of the following data about some or all members and others who compete in orienteering events: name, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, year of birth, competition age class, competition results, offices held, skills and qualifications, courses attended and details of officiating at competitions. Medical details (including but not limited to disabilities, treatment, medication, allergies) are held for attendees at coaching sessions, particularly junior members of the club, to ensure their safety.
The data may be held in electronic or paper form.
The data may be obtained directly from an individual person or a family member or indirectly from the British Orienteering Federation, clubs or other organisations. Member data is retained for up to four years after leaving the Club to facilitate the administration of re-joiners.
The data is used in organising the sport of orienteering and for social purposes related to orienteering, including distribution of newsletters and other literature, publication of competition entries and results, insurance, coaching, team selection, training and appointment of officials.
Data may be distributed in paper or electronic form between members, competitors and orienteering organisations. The club will only use that part of personal information that is relevant for the particular purpose.
Publication of personal data in paper form may occur in membership and contact lists, newsletters, competition information and results and other literature. Publication in emailed newsletters and publicly accessible web sites may include name, age class and club in competition results; names with offices and photographs may be published, but addresses, contact numbers and personal background details will be published only with the explicit consent of the subject.
For more information about your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation see the British Orienteering privacy policy. If you have any queries about how the Club handles your data please contact the Club Chair.