The CompassSport Cup
The CompassSport Cup is the premier inter-club team competition in the UK. Geographically-based heats are held in February / March and regional winning clubs go on to the national final in November.
Here is a summary of the Rules:
Course | Eligible Age Classes |
Brown | OpenMen |
ShortBrown | M20-, M40+ |
Blue | M50+, OpenWomen |
Green | M18-, M60+, W20-, W45+ |
ShortGreen | M70+, W18-, W60+ |
Orange | M14-, W14- |
There will be multiple versions of the Blue and Green courses to separate the classes. The degree by which they differ is a matter for the planner.
There is no limit to the number of runners a club may field but no runner may run competitively more than once per match. Any competitor may run up an age class or classes and Women may run as Men.
Every competitor receives a score based on their finishing position in their class. The winner gets 100 points and it reduces from there. Scoring on each senior class will be 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, etc. Junior classes go down by 2 points.
Compass Sport Cup team score:
- 25 scores to count
- a maximum of 4 counters from any one senior age class
- a maximum of 4 counters from each pair of junior classes that have the same age range e.g. M14, W14.
The winner is the team with the highest points total.
The full set of detailed rules are at
See also :