Panshanger, 6th April 2019
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Organisers Comments
I hope everyone enjoyed Panshanger Park in the Spring, and found Neil’s courses gave the right mix of technical challenge and physicality – particularly for those who got onto the newly mapped section in the Southwest. With the mild winter, the nettles were starting to make themselves known – I hope they didn’t spoil your enjoyment; on the positive it also meant we had bluebells already. As Tarmac wind down their gravel extraction we are expecting more areas of the park to be open for orienteering in the future.
Everything seemed to go well on the day: we managed to accommodate a sizeable number of people in the main car park. Thanks go to Tarmac for permission – especially for use of Ponderosa meadow; to Simon Errington for the map extension; and to planner, Neil Gostick, and Controller, Hugh Wiltshire without who there would have been no event.
I hope you all had a good experience.
Adam Leaf (organiser)