Egypt & Burnham, 25th February 2018
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Organisers Comments
Ingredients for success:
There are a few ingredients which give an event something special, and today the Ace of Herts at Burnham Beeches and Egypt Woods combined them all.
To start with, one of the club’s favourite woodlands, with runnable areas, some complex contours and ancient beech trees. Add in Hedley’s well-planned courses which provided challenges for all levels, and a teddy bears’ picnic of a string course for the little ones.
Then there’s the crisp weather and beautiful sunshine, even better when contrasted with the snow and ice forecast for next week. There were competitors in plenty, including a welcome group contesting the Inter-Services Championship.
And for the organiser there’s another ingredient – hardly noticed when everything’s running smoothly; the many HH volunteers who spent the day ensuring that we could all enjoy our sport.
So it’s HH members who are my heroes of the day, stepping in to iron out problems and give us an event to remember,
Thanks to you all
PS Lost property – two black beanie hats. Please contact to be reunited with yours.
And there are more photos, courtesy of Ben Lonsdale at