Haberdashers Junior Training Day
It was the last Friday of half term, and lots of HH juniors turned out to do some training at Haberdashers’ Boy’s School, where we are always given a warm welcome. The early action was fast and furious, as everyone warmed up with a control symbols relay, before dividing into groups for some outdoor activities.
The weather stayed reasonable as we pondered the mysteries of handrails and attack points, and compared the symbols on the maps with the features out there in the grounds. The novices enjoyed using the new map of the prep school area while the middle group pondered whether having an attack point might get them there faster – they certainly did some running. As for the more advanced group, they were too fast to ask what they were working on.
In the afternoon teams had to come up with a good strategy for the Pooter Relay – here they are plotting team tactics – how to get each of the controls visited by one member of the team in the quickest possible time.
The next training event is combined with the Christmas social on 28th December – at the Willow Tree Centre, Ruislip