Tuesday Evenings Weekly Training run – WGC – event cancelled
Tuesdays at 7pm

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
To keep fit between orienteering events, HH members and their friends meet at 7pm every Tuesday (outside the Street-O season) at Campus West in Welwyn Garden City (AL8 6BX) for a training run with a choice of 5 km (not very fast; red line) and 6.2 km (faster; blue line) routes, each taking 30-35 mins (and often followed by a drink and chat in the café there). All are welcome, and just join us for a drink afterwards (~ 7:45, Humphrey’s cafe & bar) without the run if you prefer.
Please aim to come in good time because we start the run at 7pm sharp. Find us near the ticket machine shelter at the entrance to the car park.
Hedley Calderbank