Thursday Evenings Weekly Training run – St Albans
Now on Thursdays at 7pm in St Albans as well as on Tuesdays in WGC
What are you going to do now that the Tuesday evening Street O series has ended? For the past two years, HH members in Welwyn Garden City (and sometimes a few from further afield) have met at 7pm every Tuesday (outside the Street-O season) at Campus West in WGC for a training run with a choice of 5km (not very fast) and 6-7km (faster) routes.
The WGC runs will continue this year, but after the success of the inaugural run in St Albans on 11 September, the St Albans people will continue into the winter. By consensus of the attendees, we have now moved the St Albans run to Thursdays so that people can do both if they wish. Times and distances for St Albans are similar to Welwyn’s but there are even more opportunities for little extensions or short cuts depending on how you feel.
We will meet at the entrance to Highfield Park Centre Car Park, off Russet Drive (AL4 0DB). Please aim to come in good time because we will start the run at 7pm sharp.