The new JROS Calendar
Keith has a small stock of the JROS Calendar (£8 each) and if you missed the deadline to order one direct he will be happy to supply one to you. Contact keith@familymarsden.org
Let’s look forward!
Every other year Nick Barrable (editor of CompassSport magazine – possibly the world’s best Orienteering magazine) produces a calendar in aid of the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS https://www.jros.org.uk/). JROS is the umbrella organisation for the 12 Junior Regional Squads in Great Britain. It is a voluntary organisation which each year stages 4 summer training camps, 2 in Scotland and 2 in Scandinavia, as well as a weekend camp in the Lake District and a biannual Coaching Course. Usually, about 80 juniors attend the summer camps supported by upwards of 40 coaches and support staff. In most years, several HH juniors are selected to attend the Summer Camps.
The 2020-2021 Calendar is now on sale. So for a little bit of nostalgia and a little bit of hope for a speedy return to being in the forest, why not order a calendar today!
The Calendar
- 16-month Calendar to thrill and motivate through the end of 2020 and all of 2021.
- A4 – opens to A3 – spiral bound
- Large boxes for each day to write in. Major events noted in 2021
- Printed by www.BMLprint.co.uk
- Delivery to any postal address you supply: UK – £8 (Europe £13, World £14)
All profits to JROS (www.jros.org.uk)
Debit / credit cards via PayPal at the CompassSport Website
to save the PayPal fees (53p for £8), via BACS to MR N BARRABLE (email Nick for bank details)
Deadline for ordering: Monday 10th August 1200hrs.
Advertising Space Available!
- Each month has a 195mm x 25mm banner ad space which could be yours!
- Is your club involved in a big upcoming event? Why not advertise it on the calendar!
- 15 months left to go. OCT20 already sold. First come first served.
- Only £50 for a one month advert.
- Contact Nick above.