Trent Park Score, 26th December 2017
Provisional results from the HH / LOK Boxing Day Score at Trent Park can be found here:
Organisers Comments
Thank you all for coming along to LOK/HH’s annual Boxing Day score event this year. We were blessed with sunny weather, if somewhat nippy conditions early when we were setting up (4c).
Ronan and Julie Cleary, course planners, made it trickier this year for the top competitors aspiring to visit all the controls within the hour: for example, control 123 was sited in such a way to make it more difficult to smoothly pick up the controls in the eastern most section of the map. Fourth time in-a-row winner, Iain Embrey (SROC), this year only had 5 minutes spare compared with over 14 minutes last year. Sam Fielding (HH) was the other competitor who got maximum points in the hour. Top lady, Zoe Harding (EUOC), and fifth overall, got almost all the controls, but was just over a minute late back which reduced her total from 580 to 540 points.
Organisation-wise everything went smoothly from our base at the Southgate Hockey Club. Numbers were slightly down on last year, 90 competitors as against 110 last year – this year we appear not to have attracted the customary sprinkling of newcomers.
Sadly, we needed to appologise to a couple walking their dog in the woods reported as we were packing up that a competitor had displayed unacceptable behaviour – knocking their dog with his knee to get past. Please be reminded that unfailing courtesy to other park users is not only the right thing to do and anything else jeopardizes use of the area.
The event was a joint effort between the London Orienteering Klubb (LOK) and the Hertfordshire Orienteering Club (Happy Herts or HH). Thanks to the planners and start officials, Ronan & Julie Cleary, the controller, Simon Errington assisted by James Errington (and Peter & Helen), Kevin and Laura Parkes (HH) for handling the IT / results and John Hardy (LOK) for providing the hot mulled wine and other refreshments at the Finish. Thanks also to Anne Power (LOK) and Roger Moulding (HH) on Registration and John Duffield (HH) on parking. A metaphorical bouquet to Helen Errington (HH) who, as First Aid official, forsook a run and held the fort while we were all competing. Thank also to the impromptu volunteers who assisted Simon and James collecting in the controls – Fiona Tam, Yordan Kolev & Andy Robinson (all SLOW) as well as Hedley Calderbank (HH)
Please do mark up your route and see what others did on Routegadget – 2 routes are up already as I write. Once you have done that all that remains is to look forward to next year’s event.
Catherine Galvin (LOK)
Trent Park Boxing Day event organiser 2017