Pos Name Time Points Penalty Score
1 Mick Smith 45.51 200 10 190
2 Alistair Powell 43.31 180 0 180
3 David Hodson 42.33 160 0 160
4 Mike Bennett 45.21 160 10 150
5 Danny Figg 40.02 140 0 140
6 Dave Allard 45.44 150 10 140
7 Anthony Waller 41.38 130 0 130
8 Wyn Burgess 42.16 120 0 120
9 Chris Drew 43.31 120 0 120
10 Liz Drew 39.36 100 0 100
11 Ronan Cleary 45.38 110 10 100
12 Hugh Wiltshire 38.34 90 0 90
13 Nick Willott 47.44 90 30 60
14 Tony Harden 52.28 120 -60* 60
15 Barbara Wiltshire 53.43 90 -40* 50
*Apologies for the slightly-inaccurate placing of control # 19 which caused some people to
think that it could be reached from the eastern side (Tesco's car park).
I have given Barbara and Tony a concession on their time penalty as a result.