Panshanger Country Park, 16th January 2016
Organisers Comments
It was great to have a new area for orienteering and for over 100 people of all ages to enjoy the delights of Panshanger Park on a crisp Sunny Winter’s day.
The area is slowly being opened up to the public as gravel extraction finishes so we hope to use a larger area for future events. More information on the park can be found on the links below, including the history of the Cowper estate and the sights you can visit such as the orangery, the Mimram river and the remains of the Capability Brown landscaping. Also, don’t forget that it is the venue for a weekly parkrun.
The event passed off without significant incident and from the comments I heard participants were enjoying themselves. James and Simon Errington produced courses that used the best of the park providing technical and physical challenges. I hope the taping off of badger setts on the blue course didn’t cause a problem – we were only informed of these after the maps had gone to print and this resulted in one control having to be repositioned on Friday.
With the high turnout we had to use the overflow car parking but everything seemed to work out alright.
I’d like to thank all the HH volunteers without whose preparedness to spend a couple of hours in freezing temperatures we couldn’t have staged this. Thanks also to Tarmac who gave us permission to use the park, and to the Panshanger Parkrun, Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust and the Friends of Panshanger Park for their support. We hope to see you again at Panshanger Park in the future as this area takes its place in the HH repertoire.
Panshanger park official site:
Friends of Panshanger Park: