Ashridge South
Organiser’s Comments
Many thanks to all of you who came. 226 entries could be a record for one of our Saturday Series events. Apologies to those whose maps had to be recycled to meet the demand. We will send you a map, paper or PDF, if you send the appropriate address to mike.bennett [at] – or you can of course look at it on Routegadget 2.
Special thanks to the 87 who entered in advance at
I hope you all enjoyed it. The forest was a joy to run in, with the mud now confined to a couple of the busier paths, the weather couldn’t have been better, and the courses only appeared to get favourable remarks: I heard ‘enjoyable’, ‘challenging’, ‘tricky’ …
I’m sure you will join me in thanking the volunteers from HH who made the day what it was.
Mike Bennett
P.S. We have of course requested similar weather for our next event.