HH success at the JK International Festival
There were some fabulous Individual and Team performances by HHers at the JK in Wales this weekend, with weather varying from beautiful sunshine to 10m visibility fog, and terrain from pot-holed moorland to 30 ft high mine spoil heaps. Individual podium places: M55L 2nd Kevin Harding, W55L 3rd Janet Rosen, M65 Sprint Mick Smith, W65S 1st Liz Drew, M35S 1st Ian Marsden, M10B 2nd Ben Gostick, W60S 2nd Sue Hooper, W35S 3rd Helen Marsden. Relay podium places: HH Harts (Kevin Fielding, Mick Smith and Kevin Harding) 2nd Men’s Veterans, HH Gazelles (Beth Hanson, Maria Pereverzina and Bryony Harding) 3rd Women’s Short. Mentions in Dispatches: The tough terrain led to a lot of lost orienteers (including me) and some injuries. The following deserve a “boosh” for determination and spirit! Longest completed courses Men: Danny Figg (4 hrs) and Women: Gillian Bowers (nearly 3 hrs). Shortest run, and longest time cheerfully supporting the Team: Gemma Gostick (injured on the steps to control 1 of the sprint). Quickest recovery from injury: Ian Byford who had a melon on his ankle on Saturday night, yet still managed 6th place on M55S on the Sunday morning! Well done to ALL! The Captain