HH AGM & Sprint Championships – 4th September
The club sprint was won by Sam Fielding (men) and Sophie Jones (women). Margins were very small in both classes. It is great that both were won by juniors, in fact the top 3 men were under 21!
At the AGM, most of the core committee changed. They are now:
- Chair Mike Bennett
- Secretary Sascha Noar
- Treasurer Hugh Wiltshire (reelected)
- Events Coordinator Helen Errington
- Captain Ian Jones
The meeting thanked the retiring officials for their considerable efforts – Mark Adams as Chair, Richard Freeman as Captain, Heather Bayne as Secretary and Mike Bennett as Events Coordinator.
In addition, Mark Adams is taking over from Stu Levene on Publicity and Stu is taking over club kit from David Heale. Many thanks to David and Stu for their work in their previous roles.