St Albans City Race – postponed

We regret the event has had to be postponed because we could not get access to enough of the areas we wanted to on 12 October. We are looking for another date in 2015, when we can make full use of the extensions to the award-winning map from last year.

The second running of this successful event in the complex streets and alleyways of the historic city centre. This year the map has been extended.

Under 16s have traffic free routes around the school, the Abbey and Verulamium Park.

Nearer the time we will be publishing on

Terrain City centre with many old inn yards and alleys, and areas of more recent commercial and residential development, some complex. All courses cross grass and unpaved paths, but are principally on hard surfaces.
Parking tbc
Courses Classes as in Nopesport Urban League
Starts 1000-1230
Fees tbc
Sportident dibber hire £1.00 Charge for lost dibbers £30.00
Facilities Indoor assembly with toilets and space to change.
Dogs not allowed in assembly and not appropriate on courses.
Officials Planners – Mike and Adam Bennett
Organiser – Helen Errington (pro tem)
Controller – tbc