Sandridge & Heartwood

Turn up at 7pm, in your training shoes, with a pen and a watch. Instructions for the run will be provided at the start.

Cost £2 per run, £10 for 6 runs; suitable for all adults, from 16+ to 60+.

What? A Series of Urban events around central Hertfordshire. 45 minute Score event – Visit as many controls as you can in 45 minutes.
Who? Everyone from 16+ who fancies an evening run with a difference. You can walk and jog too! The events will involve crossing busy roads so will NOT be suitable for under 16s.
Wear? Comfortable running clothes and shoes. Especially in spring and autumn, wear bright (High Vis) clothing.
Bring? A pen, watch and your SI dibber if you have one.A torch may be useful in spring and autumn.
When? Tuesday nights with STARTS from 19.00 – 19.20
Printable summer series poster

All take part at their own risk.

For more information:
phone 01727 868023
or find us on facebook – search for Herts Adventure Running