Cancelled – HH members Summer Training
We regret we have had to cancel the summer training scheduled for 23 June.
As the season draws lazily to its conclusion we have one last chance to enjoy a sociable day – and maybe learn a little more about orienteering skills and techniques. This year the club summer training is scheduled to take place on Ashridge North on Sunday 23rd June.
In order that we ensure that we provide suitable training opportunities for all attendees and to be sure that we have enough maps (!), please let Keith know if you will be attending.
The format of the day is fairly straightforward:
- We aim to start at 10.30 – so please arrive by 10.15.
- The morning will be spent doing various exercises – which and how many is up to you. Kevin F will introduce you to CARs and trains and Frances will once again be providing another exercise provoked by one of her many foreign trips (Greek?).
- Lunch will be taken in bright sunshine (if it’s like the summer training in 2018) so bring your own food and drink.
- Then in the afternoon Kevin P will provide a suitable finish to the day by offering a fun (and non-competitive (some hope)) team exercise of some kind which everyone can participate in.
Parking will be at the Public Car park at Ringshall (Post code HP4 1ND). We’ll try to remember to put out a Orienteering kite as a marker.
Hope to see there.
Any questions, as usual, let Keith know. email: