HH club league after Northaw
Our own event at Northaw and normal service is resumed. We had a good turnout: 52 finishers is coincidentally the same number as at Northaw last year, only exceeded by Burnham with 56. And of those 52, a record 10 were newcomers to the league. Welcome! And don’t worry that your name does not appear in the updated results, it takes 2 events to establish a handicap, so you’ll be there on your 3rd completed event.
Many HH people ran quickly on home turf. The best were David Hodson, Tony Harden and Stu Levene of the seniors, Sam Fielding, Peter Errington and Daniel Figg of the juniors. A couple of new names there, which is great.
This early in the season, results are dominated by those who have run the most events, but Helen Errington has been consistently quick, followed by Ian Byford and Andrew Cummings. The juniors are led by Peter Errington (a family double!), Sam Fielding and Miranda Leaf. There’s plenty of time for the rest of us to catch up, it’s your best 6 events that count and there are 10 left.
The next events are the SN SE League event at Frith Hill on 10 November, and the club championships at HAVOC’s Epping SW event on 17 November. Entries for Frith Hill are open on Fabian4, entries for Epping are on the day.