Organising a Local HH Event
Happy Herts invites you to attend a ½ day British Orienteering ‘Organising a Level D event’ course on 27th January 2018
You will recall that we had planned to organise this course earlier in the year. Perhaps our timing was wrong, just leading up to the summer holidays – but the delay has allowed us to prepare much more support documentation specifically relevant to organising an event for HH.
So I’m inviting you to the new course to be held at Marshalswick Community Centre, St Albans AL4 9TU on the afternoon of Saturday 27th January 2018. Event details…
As this is a new course British Orienteering is seeking feedback on the content of the course and your comments will be particularly important to them. And of course feedback on the supporting documentation available from HH or indeed any gaps in that documentation will also be invaluable.
The course Tutor will be Helen Errington who was the Coordinator for this year’s JK Orienteering Festival at Easter.
I do hope you can join me on 27th January – please let me know
Keith (training@herts-orienteering.club)